Microsoft Introduces Eye Control with the new Windows 10 Fall creators update.

With Microsoft's new windows 10 Fall creators update, users will be able to control their computers using just their eyes.

As at yet, Microsoft is testing the new eye tracking technology which makes use of third party hardware like Tobii Eye Tracker 4C.

Dubbed Eye Control, the update brings with it a whole array of functionality. The eye tracking feature will not only be a means of navigation but will also grant the user the ability to type sentences without the use of a mechanical keyboard.

The significance of this development cannot be understated. As an addition to more conventional accessibility features like text to speech (Narrator) and magnifier among others the new feature makes navigation on the PC a great deal easier especially for people with physical disabilities impeding them from operating the PC using a keyboard, mouse or track pad.

eye control
Eye control

The new feature will be available to the public as soon as the much anticipated Windows 10 Fall creators update starts rolling out.

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