Why Technology Should Matter To You.

Every major breakthrough mankind has achieved, technology has had a hand in it. Talk about health care, education, agriculture, entertainment you name it. They have all been achieved either by the aid of technology or to further technology. Feats never before imagined are but common place in this day and age; right now there are hundreds of satellites orbiting the Earth. we managed to step foot on the moon, land the Rover on Mars and it took us nine years but we sent a satellite to Pluto. All things we once thought impossible. 

Which begs the questions; is 'impossible' a result of short-sight? Is our inference of what's possible and what's not based on the little we perceive; our intellectual short-sightedness and the infinitesimal knowledge in our own little bubbles? Ergo, if we let our imaginations run wild for just a moment, if we free ourselves from the shackles of reason, if we dare to tap into the vast oceans of ideas, inspiration and knowledge beyond the comforts and confines of our own little bubbles, just how much of the impossible can we make reality? The possibilities are limited only by our imaginations. Little more than half a decade ago we thought the Higgs Boson was a myth. Think of  the possibilities.   

A steam turbine with the case opened. Most electricity is produced by thermal power stations with turbines like this one. Electricity consumption and living standards are highly correlated.  Electrification was voted the most important engineering achievement of the 20th century. Photo complements of Siemens Germany.

According to Thomas P. Hughes "Technology is a creative process involving human ingenuity”. I dare say as relevant as we are to technology, technology is relevant to us. It's not just an issue of what you can do for technology anymore it's also a question of what technology can do for you. I'm not just talking about its importance on a cosmic scale but how it applies to each of us on a personal level. I believe there is a role to be played by each one of us in whether it continues to evolve; which we need it to. If everyone of us could just invest in any one of the numerous ways in technology not only will we be doing it a great service, we will in turn reap a great many dividends.

For instance, In every man's profession and/or passion  there is potential for technology to work wonders. What turns a blooming startup into a Fortune Global 500 company? It's not just passion or Drive, it is the tactful employment of technology. What a lever is to a simple machine, technology is to every startup. If cunningly utilized, tech will help you cut innumerable costs. Labour alone can cause a lot of headahes for budding business men and women wondering; how many people should i employ? How much it will cost? For a  solution to an issue such as this we should look no futher than the automotive industry. What happend when tech was introduced into the infamous assembly line? In pursuit of a more efficient production mechanism, Henry Ford once proposed basic principles stating;

The principles of assembly are these:

(1) Place the tools and the men in the sequence of the operation so that each component part shall travel the least possible distance while in the process of finishing.

(2) Use work slides or some other form of carrier so that when a workman completes his operation, he drops the part always in the same place—which place must always be the most convenient place to his hand—and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next workman for his own.

(3) Use sliding assembling lines by which the parts to be assembled are delivered at convenient distances. 

Obviously labour and it's cost were very important to Ford otherwise why would he have pioneered the manned assembly line which in turn  lay the foundation for the now fully automated version. Because of tech the costs of production spiraled and revenues skyrocketed of every company that dared invest in that technology. And what better business plan does a venture capitalist want to hear than one that minimizes cost and maximizes revenue.

For millennia technology or as I like to call it "the science of how things work" has grown, survived, thrived and transformed into the magnificent wonder it is today. Not by itself or by chance but because certain people, few as they may be saw potential in the impossible. " Sir Issac Newton, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Elon Musk"; non relatively more gifted than you or I but because they invested in their ideas with everything they had and with no greater counterpart than technology they became extraodinaires in their chosen fields. Like them,  I believe we can excel if were bold enough to try. 

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